
29 Benefits of Chili For Health and Its Danger

Chili is commonly known as a seasoning for those of you who like spicy flavor. Chili plants are often found in every house. This is because chili plants are quite easy to plant and do not require a lot of space. Chili, of course, as one of the natural ingredients that produce red and spicy taste in the cuisine. Even though chili is often associated with stomach problems, chili actually holds very useful benefits for the body.

Nutritional Content of Chili per 100g
Water content 90.9%
Calories 31.0 cal
Protein 1.0 g
Fat 0.3 g
Carbohydrate 7.3 g
Calcium 29.0 mg
Phosphorus 24.0 mg
Iron 0.5 mg
Vitamin A 470 SI
Vitamin C 180.0 mg
Vitamin B1 0.05 mg
Water 71.20 g

Weighted 85%

Besides having many ingredients, this cayenne fruit also has many benefits:

as a spice to provide spicy condensation.
As an external medicine to treat rheumatic diseases.
Treat abdominal pain and cold.
Can be used as an ornamental plant.
Eating chili regularly can delay the body's vulnerability.

Strengthens the heart, pulse and nerves.

Benefits of chili as medicine
  1. Wound Healer If your finger is accidentally cut during cooking, you will generally look for a red medicine to cure it. But even if you have given the red medication to the wound, the pain / pain still feels strong. An alternative to red medicine that not only prevents infection but also immediately relieves pain and bleeding so that it speeds up the healing process is red chili. The trick, is dried then crushed red pepper until smooth. After that it was sown on the wounds. The chili powder will not make your wound sore. On the contrary, chili will stop the existing pain and bleeding quickly. This is due to the presence of the capsaicin substance in red chillies which relieves pain.
  2. Relief of High Fever Compared with conventional medicine, overcoming high fever with chili is an alternative solution that is easy, cheap and fast. But what is used is not the cabbage but the leaves. The trick, first take a handful of cayenne leaves, then mash until smooth. Add 1 tablespoon of lettuce oil and mix the two ingredients until blended. After that paste the ingredients on the crown or spread on the entire body. Cover the injured body with a thick blanket. Before long, the body will sweat, so that the body's heat will decrease rapidly.
  3. Relieve runny nose and nasal congestion Because chili contains capsaicin which can thin the lenders, so that the mucus that is blocked in the nasal cavity will become runny and come out. As a result, the nose does not become blocked anymore. This applies to sinusitis and also coughing up phlegm.
  4. Preventing stroke, chili can reduce the risk of stroke, arterial blockage, impotence, and coronary heart disease. Because, by consuming capsaicin on a regular basis the blood will remain runny and the fat crust in the blood vessels will not form. So, the blood will flow smoothly. So, chili is also effective in reducing the occurrence of blood clots (thrombosis).
  5. Relieve headaches and joint pains Have you ever heard advice if you have a headache, spicy and spicy foods? That advice is true because the spicy taste caused by capsaicin can block brain activity when receiving pain from the central nervous system. The inhibition of this signal journey will reduce the pain we suffer. In addition, chili is also effective for relieving migraines.
  6. Increase appetite Because capsaicin can stimulate the production of the hormone endorphin, a hormone that is able to evoke a sense of pleasure and happiness. Thus, appetite increases.
  7. Lowers cholesterol levels and as a natural antibiotic.
  8. It has antioxidant content which can be used to treat infertility, aphrodisiac, and slow down the aging process.
Benefits of Chili For Health

Chili has a content that is able to support health for those who consume it. One of the substances that is very good for chili is kapsaikin, capsisidin, vitamin A and vitamin C. Vitamin C is also rich in chili, as well as the benefits of oranges, the benefits of lemon, the benefits of grape are known as a source of vitamin C.

Here are some of the benefits of chili that are well consumed by us:

Bright red on chili signals a high content of beta carotene or pro vitamin A. Only with two teaspoons of red chili, provides about 6% of the daily value for vitamin C. In addition, plus more than 10% of the daily value of vitamin A. Vitamin A Often called anti-infectious and very important for healthy mucous membranes, which line the nasal passages, lungs, digestive tract and urinary tract which function as the body's defense against pathogens.

Recent medical studies have shown that the capsaicin content, dihydrocapsiate, helps increase energy expenditure for
 several hours after consuming chili foods. In addition, the full feeling given, technically helps the body stay in a weight loss plan to reduce overall calorie intake.

High insulin levels are directly related to the onset of type 2 diabetes. This can actually be overcome by including 24% of chili regularly added to food. Peptides also encourage the liver to be more capable of excess insulin in the presence of chili.

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We all often hear complaints that spicy food will irritate the stomach or because it makes heartburn. In fact, many studies have proven that spicy chili can actually prevent chronic digestive disorders, kill bacteria that cause stomach ulcers, trigger intestinal peristaltic function and not even cause acid reflux disease. The benefits of chili contain kapsikin which is able to stimulate microorganisms both in digestion which increase the absorption of nutrients for the source of metabolism.

Topical Capsaicin is now a recognized treatment choice for osteoarthritis. Several evaluation studies to relieve pain seem to list the benefits of topical capsaicin to reduce pain associated with disabling this condition.

Chili capsaicin is a compound that is responsible for stopping the spread of prostate cancer cells through various mechanisms. A study published on March 15, 2006, Capsaicin kills the two main types of prostate cancer cells and stimulates the growth of male hormones to avoid being affected.

Among the many successful clinical trials that have been carried out, capsaicin packaged in Zostrix cream has been shown to zap pain triggered by cluster headaches by blocking P neuropeptides Brain substances (which transmit the familiar old 'ouch' feeling) - especially when applied in two nostrils times a day.

In chillies there are capsisicol compounds that provide a natural warm feeling of chili. This specialty can help sufferers with aches due to heavy work. This makes chili, made into a patchy medicine that makes it easy for us to benefit from chili.

Capsaicin not only reduces pain, but hot and spicy taste also stimulates secretions that help clear mucus from the nose and overcome congested lungs.

Other Benefits of Chili
Cayenne contains a list of known plant-derived chemical compounds that have disease prevention and health properties.

Chili contains health that benefits alkaloid compounds, capsaicin, which gives them a strong spicy and spicy character. Early laboratory studies in experimental mammals showed that capsaicin has anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, analgesic and anti-diabetic properties. It is also found to reduce LDL cholesterol levels in obesity.

Fresh peppers, red and green, are a rich source of vitamin C. 100 g of fresh chili contains around 143.7 μg or about 240% RDA. Vitamin-C is an antioxidant that dissolves in water. This is important for collagen synthesis in the human body. Collagen is one of the main structural proteins needed to maintain the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps protect against scurvy, develops resistance to infectious agents (increases immunity), and scavenges harmful pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.

They are also good in other antioxidants such as vitamin A, and flavonoids such as β-carotene, α-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin. These antioxidant substances in capsicum help protect the body from the adverse effects of free radicals produced during stress, disease conditions.

Chili carries a number of minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids which helps control heart rate and blood pressure. The human body uses manganese as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

Chili is also good in vitamin B complex groups such as niacin, pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), riboflavin and thiamin (vitamin B-1). This vitamin is very important in the sense that the human body needs it from an outside source to refill.

Health Risks to Chili
Chili contains capsaicin, which gives a strong spicy character. Capsaicin when eaten in excess will cause severe irritation and a heat sensation to the mouth, tongue and throat.

Capsaicin in chili initially raises local inflammation after contact with fine mucous membranes in the oral cavity, throat and stomach. Then it produces a severe burning sensation that is considered a 'heat' through the nerve endings free in the mucosa. The benefits of yogurt can help reduce burning pain by diluting the concentration of capsaicin and preventing contact with mucous walls.

Avoid touching the eyes with chili fingers contaminated with chili. Rinse eyes thoroughly with cold water to reduce irritation.

Certain chemical compounds such as aflatoxin, found in chili which has been known to cause disorders of the stomach, liver and large intestine.

Chili Consumption
Chili is included in the group of herbal foods that are actually very healthy. But in its development there are many preservation of this type of food. This actually damages the natural content of the chili and has the potential to create other health problems.

Therefore, we must be smart in choosing natural food ingredients in a fresh form. In chili itself, if consumed in people who are sensitive to spicy food, it must be consumed within reasonable limits and not excessive. Because we should get the benefits of chili we get well, not side effects because we consume too much.

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