
6 Ways to Maintain the Health of Pregnant & Fetal Mothers Since the First Trimester

Congratulations, Mum! Some time ago, the doctor delivered the good news that Mum was positively pregnant. Like the recipient of this news, Mum had to prepare herself for the health of Mum danjanin by eating nutritious food and milk for pregnant women.

Being a pregnant woman is a gift for every woman. Agree, Mum? Yes, of course the early trimester is also an important period for fetal growth. Because of that, for the sake of the health of Mum and the Little One in the womb, pay attention to some of the things below, let's!

Routine self-examination by the obstetrician

Mum can consult on pregnancy and fetal development in obstetricians. The medical expert will also provide a variety of knowledge about how to treat Mum and the fetus, the nutrition of pregnant women needed, and instructions for safe physical activity. The doctor will also check the health and blood pressure conditions, and measure Mum's weight.

Enough for the needs of Acid Folic Acid

Folic Acid plays a role in protecting the fetus from the risk of brain and spinal cord abnormalities. Mum needs 400 mcg of Folic Acid every day. Sumbermakanan foods that contain Folic Acid are spinach, asparagus, broccoli, and fruit jeruk.

Stop smoking

Cigarette smoke can endanger the health of Mum and the fetus in the womb. Fetuses that are affected by cigarette smoke can experience low body weight when born later. Not only that, pregnant women who smoke have a higher risk of miscarriage.

Be careful when taking drugs

It is also a waste to consume over-the-counter drugs, if Mum experiences an illness such as flu or cough. These drugs may have negative effects on the fetus. To be safer, consult your doctor before taking medication to maintain the health and growth of the fetus.

Pay attention to the intake of pregnant women

Food not only fulfills your nutritional needs, but also intake for the fetus. Improve your Mum diet by consuming a balanced menu. In the first trimester, Mum does not require too many calories. Also be careful when choosing food. Do you know, Mum? foods such as undercooked or raw eggs, raw shellfish are not recommended for consumption. This is because pregnant women are more susceptible to bacteria from immature dishes.

morning sickness

Morning sickness is often experienced by pregnant women in the first trimester. Mum will feel nausea as the most obvious symptom of pregnancy, because of hormonal changes in the body. Nausea and vomiting can occur throughout the day, but the worst is in the morning. Mum can do it by eating foods high in protein, such as cheese, meat, milk for pregnant women, or biscuits. Other options are fruit juice or ginger water. If the condition of nausea and vomiting does not go away, Mum should consult a doctor.

To help full with Mum's nutrition and fetus, Frisomum Gold is enriched with proteins that are more easily digested by the body. This is because Friso is produced with a Single Process, in which milk is not heated in excess, so that the nutritional quality is maintained and can be easily absorbed. That way, Mum can enjoy the nutritional benefits of this pregnant woman's milk with optimism since the early trimester of pregnancy.

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