
Don't underestimate the benefits of drinking water

The benefits of drinking water are not trivial, as many people think. The benefits of drinking water are to prevent dehydration of the body, maintain freshness of the skin, protect the nerves and tissues of the body, and support muscles and joints.

Other types of drinks, such as soft drinks, are classified as high in sugar and calories so that you can gain weight. Energy drinks that are often chosen as a source of fluids must also be considered, because they contain sugar and caffeine. Likewise with packaged fruit juices, always pay attention to the product labels first before consuming them.

The importance of water

Calorie-free water and sugar are the healthiest choices to keep the body still having enough fluids, while overcoming thirst at any time. In addition, the benefits of drinking water are also enjoyed by a variety of bodily functions, including:

  • Maintain body fluid levels or prevent dehydration, so that the body does not experience interference with the digestive function and absorption of food, circulation, kidneys, and is important in maintaining normal body temperature.
  • Helps energize muscles and lubricate joints to remain flexible. Fluid imbalances can trigger fatigue in the muscles.
  • Helps control the body's calorie intake. Drinking water is far better at preventing weight gain than drinks that contain high calories.
  • Maintain freshness of the skin so the skin does not look dry and wrinkled.
  • Protect the spinal cord and sensitive tissues in other bodies.
  • Helps process the removal of food and beverage remnants through sweat, urine and dirt.
What is the Normal Size for Not Lacking Liquid?

The fluid requirements of each person vary. In adults, the recommended consumption of water is about eight glasses measuring 230 ml per day or a total of 2 liters.

Apart from drinks, food can also provide fluid intake in the body, which is around 20%. Liquid from food is mainly obtained from fruits and vegetables, such as spinach and watermelon that contain 90% water.

To find out if the body lacks fluids, it is fairly easy. The initial sign that is generally felt when a person lacks fluids is feeling thirsty and urine is darker than usual.

Other symptoms that may also be felt when the body is not properly hydrated are feeling dizzy, headache, mouth, lips, and eyes feel dry, urinating with a rare amount and intensity, lack of energy, and fatigue.

No less important, it is necessary to pay attention to some special conditions and activities that make the body need more water than usual, including:

  • Exercise or be physically active.
  • Having a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting.
  • Very hot weather.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Pregnant women are advised to consume about 2.4 liters of water a day, while women who breastfeed are advised to consume about 3.1 liters of water per day.
Tips for Meeting Water Needs Every Day

There are some tips that can be done to get the benefits of drinking water as described above, namely:

  • Try to get used to drinking water every meal or when eating snacks.
  • Provide a glass or bottle containing drinking water on a table or bag that you carry during activities every day. Thus, you will remember to consume it.
  • You can add flavor to the water to make it taste better. One of them is by adding fruit slices as in infused water drinks.
There are several provisions for drinking water that are suitable and safe for consumption according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, namely water that has no taste, smell or color, does not contain bacteria, and does not contain chemicals that exceed the permitted limits.

Don't forget to also ensure that potable water is consumed and meets health standards, in order to avoid diseases caused by drinking contaminated water. Get the benefits of drinking water for health by consuming water regularly every day, and complete it with a healthy lifestyle.

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