
32 Medicinal Plants Will Be Researched, One of them is Celery for Hypertension

A total of 32 candidates for medicinal plants will be studied and developed into fitopharmaca, the highest level in the categorization of traditional medicine. One of them is celery to treat hypertension.

"There are so many. I mentioned a few, for example, celery leaves for hypertension," said Prof. S Pramono, Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

"Then there are gambier leaves for cholesterol, one of them," said the scientist who was one of the members of the expert team for the acceleration of Fitofarmataka, found after Ayana Midplaza

For this purpose, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) revealed plans to establish a National Consortium for the Acceleration of the Development and Improvement of Fitopharmaca Utilization. The consortium selected 32 selected plant candidates with 13 priority diseases to be studied.

"For example, for diabetes the phytopharmaceutical leaves dandang gendis. That already exists in the list. There are many, I don't memorize it," said Penny K Lukito, Head of BPOM, after signing a memorandum of understanding between BPOM and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education ( Ristek Dikti).

Penny implies, a list of 32 plant species and 13 diseases that will be examined as soon as possible will be announced. To note, fitofarmaka is a category of traditional medicine that has gone through preclinical testing in animals and clinical trials in humans so that its efficacy and safety are guaranteed.

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